

Our target is to procure 100% renewable energy for all our data centres, minimise our carbon footprint and manage our water usage efficiently

Efficiency by Design

Our team work continuously to design and implement the latest technology to make every facility more efficient and sustainable. We only work with like-minded vendors who share our passion for sustainability and where possible ensure that our supply chain is sustainable end-to-end.

Our Carbon Footprint Strategy
We undertake an all-encompassing approach to meet our own sustainability targets and to help ensure our clients meet theirs.


Taking conscious steps to avoid activities that cause emissions
Consider the sustainability of every action

Change activities to reduce emissions
Minimising power usage and loss through efficient design; ensure sustainability of supply chains

Change sources to reduce emissions
Maximising renewable power sources in the energy mix and move towards renewables

Offset residual emissions
Offset residual emissions with quality renewable energy credits (REC’s) and other carbon offset schemes