At Evolution we are acutely aware of the full sustainable lifecycle of a Data Centre and take this into consideration as we plan, build, and operate our facilities.

Everything from choosing the correct location, material selection, efficient design, and renewable power source, through to how you will operate reflect on the level of impact these facilities have on the environment.

To ensure you cover the full lifecycle of a truly sustainable Data Centre you need to plan from initial conception though to commissioning. You need to incorporate this from initial concept to ensure you are really delivering a fully sustainable facility.

If not, are you too late?

A podcast featuring Darren Webb, Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Evolution Data Centres.

“Weekends: Strategies to make Data Centers more environmentally friendly”

A podcast featuring Darren Webb, Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Evolution Data Centres.

“Why there is no such thing as a green data centre”

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A new regional datacentre platform, named Evolution Data Centres, has been co-founded by former IO Data Centers’ Asia head Darren Webb and ING’s former Head of Asia TMT Corporate Finance, Ed Martin-Sperry, who formally joins in October 2021.

Darren Webb CEO of Evolution, talks to the Straits Times about the potential of Batam for Data Centres.